Monday, July 16, 2012

2012 TJ MORRIS ET TESTIMONY | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

2012 TJ MORRIS ET TESTIMONY | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.:

'via Blog this'

! I am a free spirit and am an author of the SOUL's QUEST by choice. We are honoring each other in ENGLISH now understand that we have a basic communication bridge of which to teeter and banter in the mind's eye with understanding how our levels of beta, alpha,theta, delta, gamma, tau, Sigma of our neuro wiring in our brains. I am an avid philosopher Metaphysician Parapsychologist who has trained hundreds in using their intuition with over 28 years as a professional psychic investigator and I have learned that water rises to seek it's own level.
The military which trained me as an asset analyst with ET handlers have trained me to speak the language of the "FAITH" when in the Metaphysical Paranormal World in which we live. Take it for what you want as a crazy lady that has been on UFOS who is out of her mind or has actually learned from a real ET Connection to the Andromeda Galaxy which controls the "GOOD" part of humanoid sentient intelligent being council on earth such as we may never know in this level of physical containment.
We all are separate individuals when it comes to knowing our own spirit attached to soul and I am proud to be a spiritualist who believes in divine creation which can explain science which was first philosophy. People must learn we all have levels and dimensions in various planes.
In the Intelligence world in which I learned to support myself and my family I was on the inner circle and still am in levels that are higher than the president of these United States where I live. He has the ability to deny what he knows due to "NO NEED TO KNOW" for "DENIABILITY". I share for those in different parts of the world based on the levels and genres that we as authors and artists create.
It's simple physics in tachyon energy 101 on theoretical physics for those in the inside for scientists working underground. Ask to see the aliens kept underground and the UFOS of those who believe as you do. I can admit before Congress That I have seen both and worked with both. Can YOU and will you testify before Congress? Love and Light TJ
TJ Morris, Author-Entrepreneur-Speaker-Intuitive Personal Consultant,Organizer,, Barnes&Noble,lulu,AscensionCenterOrg,TJMorrisET,ACO Corp,TJMorrisPublishing,Allied Council Intergalactic Research,ACIR
We are all hybrids in one form or another. .. My memories are my own as is my own spirit and soul. I do have soul group mates who challenge me to be more than I have become thus far on this planet. I also challenge them to become more and to do more while on this planet.
It is a custom among our kind as Avatars and Agashan Ascension Masters who choose to return from time to time to continue our world and work. Not everyone on earth is at levels of ascension to understand the comparisons as it should be. Sparks are ignited on various levels in various worlds and universes.
There is much of our heritage among the ET UFO Community that was preserved by those in INDIA and the legends and myths as religions and oral traditional stories.
The Indians were the closest spiritually to receiving the ET and their wars of the past long after Lemurians and Atlantians existed.
Some who lived beyond the great cataclysm and separation from the heavens of water and the worlds created below were allowed to live as beings of the Ets or Alien Hybrids to continue to come to back as in reincarnation from time to time. Jesus the prior master knew this.
Look at all the various humanoids and someday we shall prove more than we know. For now until proven otherwise we share that hybrids are all Starseeds, Lightworkers, Indigo children, Crystal Children, and all are Ascension Children returning someday to our Ascension Center. We who are alphas are the A level as nine’s. 0r A and O for alpha and omega minds in neuro science and anatomy of male and female in our DNA genome sequencing.
I choose to write from the heart of inspiration and that is through the divine intervention that one can receive through the power of what some call the Akashic Field or A field of time travel. Theoretical Physics and Albert Einstein himself admitted imagination was our greatest gift.
One can learn to time travel with out of body experiences and if one needs to train we have the metaphysical institutes around the world and some can learn through the power of positive motivation in prayer and meditation groups. Some learn from worship and sharing spirit in church affiliations.
I tell everyone to use whatever works for them.
I have also asked how I can possibly put up with all the adversity in the world and on the topics in supernatural and paranormal opposing views as one who claims to be of both Christian and Science belief systems. My answer is this. We are the entire ALL and the Great I AM. What labels or threads we claim of our own life force as enhancements or ornamental behavior patterns is no more a control factor than our own DNA Genome. It is simply a part of us whether inside our out. Things change, Thinking Changes! We change and we care about our humanoid kind as a species on this planet.
As a well-known public Alien Hybrid Paranormal ET Contactee, I have various beings share their innermost viewpoints and concerns. This is part of my mission and calling. It is also a part of me as a Psychic-Medium and Channel. I am also a Spiritual Advisor and Christian who lives among those in the Bible belt. I walk alone in the world and will die alone. That is just the way my life is. We all have a life and my past lives are some of my memories now.
My past memory of Le Muria or LaMEuria or as it is spelled to day Lemuria. Life in Lemruai as was on this planet prior to Atlantis gives me a leg up so to speak in this world. I am considered a very old soul and to some I am considered in the spirit of Lachs Mae and Lilith. Loch Shmae was older than Lilith on this planet and the daughters of Esther who worship the Goddess and maternal energy as Queens and Oracles of other planets belong to a certain order of female essences in other universes. There are still sacred worlds and some are not ready to cycle their energy vibrations of essences they send to earth.
Other than that beginning on this planet, I am no different from anyone else. I am considered an Elder in my clan of grouped souls who came to this planet as Avatars and Agashan Master Teachers of the faith. To Glen Dennis and Sally Hester of the Roswell Museum I was asked to profess my relation to a prior known master named Jesus. I had no problem to explaining that he was my brother in a past life.
That did not seem to surprise them and I also claimed that on this earth he is considered both my Lord and Savior as he was allowed to claim this planet as his own as far as his believers in him and his spirit goes. I am simply globally following up on his own home world with my own ascension center enlightenment claims. I am choosing to serve my purpose with ascension life mastery with those who work with me in this world
Most Universers as they are called understand this as Time Lords and Time Travelers. This is the next expansion since those on earth will soon learn to travel to other planets!
We are all in various levels of achievements in this world and others. We now share in this world the levels of the seven seals controlled by those we call the Supreme High Council of the Universe, Multiverse, Metaverse, Xenoverse, Omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse. These are levels assigned by the critical mass humanoid population on earth or Gaia. We use seven (7) based on what we can see in the color spectrum such as the rainbow as an analogy on earth that we can see such as Red=Universe, Orange=Multiverse, Yellow=Metaverse, Green=Omniverse, Indigo=Alphaverse, Violet=Omegaverse for the seven seals as promised in the analogy of the rainbow of our ancestors of the Alien ET Supreme High Council we in prior texts, codices, codexes, codicils, and ancient writings of all kinds shared including the Gnostics and Sumerians.
Writing from what we know in our soul can be described as channeling by some who sometimes allow their own minds inside their brains actually filter what is being received. We all have the ability to channel our collected information as intelligence from other past lives on earth and in other worlds, levels, dimensions as the veil of this world in resonating vibrations and particles and waves is not in this time the easiest in the cosmos to now read and receive.
We are all communicators of our individual soul's observations and interpretations of our own truth we call our perceptions as imprints of matter in time while in our body-mind-spirits having the birth-life-death experiences.
As long as I speak logical and regarding my training in education in the intelligence community of those who trained me on earth I seem to be believable to the skeptics and unbelievers who want to know their own truth as seekers.
We are all explorers and are here to do our own research and to those who do not believe in the God Particle as Spiritual Matter then they may find out that they do not matter later on when all is brought before their superiors in the cosmos.
I have learned we are all a part of a grander scheme in this Game of Life and I too ask for what purpose does this life exist and have meaning. There has to be more than I think therefore I am which sets us apart from all other living creatures.
I learned I studied I prayed and finally after many hardships of lessons that this life had to offer my dreams of those who are higher in the empire of this omniverse were realized through asking in the way we register prayer.
Let me share a story of all of our
Motivation and inspiration. We can sometimes learn from each other and share.
Hybrids are here to shift and uplift others while we all go through the positive changes on this planet. We all have a role to play, we are merely the actors of life, and this planet becomes our stage. The fact is we write our own scripts as we go and for some on this planet, their memories are wiped clean in order to obtain all benefits from life this time around. I could write volumes on being an alien hybrid for others, I enjoy sharing my life, and words while here on this planet. However, here are the words of another I agreed to share with m viewers about Starseeds. We have Indigo and Crystal Children, which we are using titles for the various generations coming to earth since we decided to correspond with earth other. When a word connection is in doubt look it up for the dictionary meaning but believe what is inside your own spirit. We can share but we still are ultimately responsible for our own spirit returning back to our soul’s over soul or home world. The aura is weakened by:
1. Poor diet
2. Lack of exercise
3. Lack of fresh air
4. Lack of rest
5. Stress
6. Alcohol
7. Drugs
8. Tobacco
9. Negative habits
10. Improper psychic activity
The in and out movement of the hands causes the energy surrounding them to accumulate between them, making it more perceptible to you. The hands are becoming more sensitive to the subtle energies.
As the hands become more sensitive, you can use them to detect the auric energies emanating from other parts of the body as well. These detections may feel like heat, pressure, tingling etc. Hold your dominant hand about a foot and a half above your bared forearm.
Slowly lower your hand toward the forearm. Pay attention to anything that you might feel. How close do you come to the forearm before you can feel the energy from it? Remember that the feeling may be one of pressure, heat, coolness, thickness etc. It will feel much like what you experienced between your hands. It may not be as strong, but you should be able to feel it. If you cannot, slowly repeat it. Remember that you are reawakening your ability to consciously be aware of the subtle energies around you.
Black can also indicate imbalances. Physical imbalances often show up as black or darkened areas in the aura around the physical body. The location provides clues to this. In the outer edges of the aura, black can indicate holes in the auric field. I have seen this in the auras of those who were victims of child abuse and those who are or were strong substance abusers (alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc.).
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