Saturday, June 16, 2012

ACE FOLKLIFE CONFERENCE - Ascension Center HAWAII 06/16 by TJMorrisETRadio | Blog Talk Radio

ACE FOLKLIFE CONFERENCE - Ascension Center HAWAII 06/16 by TJMorrisETRadio | Blog Talk Radio:

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2012 Ascension Age
There are many ways to describe a new era in time. The part that I share is more focused on sharing the knowledge and wisdom as enlightenment of the Ascension Center, ACE Society, of the knowledge that Alien Civilizations Exist!
The part of my life that more people are tuning into is the fact that I have a story to tell not as a “White Lighter” but as an “Alien ET Contactee” which they desire to share on earth at this time as “Alien Abductee TJ”.
Why this world isn’t yet ready to accept the good about ET White Lighters is beyond me. A White Lighter is one who has an agreement with the Supreme Beings after having already received their body-mind-spirit to have the birth-life-death experiences on a planet.
I have had 9 past lives and that includes the one on this planet which is now something of the paranormal kind. I thought in the past the best way to share my story was as a normal human being with extraordinary experiences.
However, what I know now if all the work that me and my friends as the “Baby Boomer Generation” meaning one generation (20 years) of spirits born on earth from 1946 through 1966. I have shared the list of future spirits to come prior to this and they are recorded somewhere for easy reference.
I do my part as the Oracle of this generation in the Akashic Field and what we now call cyberspace as the WEB of sharing the All that is known…
We are now going to enter a time when all are accepted into the sea of both waves and particles. However, we prefer those who are now present on earth who have not caught up to the way our Supreme Council desires us to be for the future of all humanoid sentient intelligent beings who will  be Taken to Terra-Form and begin new worlds to think.
We have had prior world history with world religions and those who we accepted as the wise ones to share their spiritual knowledge whether the information was left in written form of verbalized in storytelling.
In our former tribes we had Shamans, Metaphysicians, Mystics, Mediums, Oracles, Prophets, Prophetesses, Psychics, Sages, Seers, and now some are called Spirit Guides, Spiritual Advisers, Healers, Lightworkers, and Truthseekers.
One of the classifications on the good and light side of this world is called the spiritual good fays or Feys. We also have those on earth who choose the dark light and they are spiritual bad fays or Feys.
Those who decide to share this knowledge with their children coming to earth will usually explain all of this and the ways of the world in their own traditions and cultures which include their own chosen religions which are created among their spiritual communities to share how to choose either the good or the bad energy and how to be one with their own tribe and clan.
It appears that somewhere over time on this planet the story of the truth fades out over time and every 2500 years of so, we of the white lighters have to return to assist when the veil is the thinnest so that others may once again be reminded to choose how they will create their memories either of the good or the dark side of our omniverse.
We have many levels in life as what we call the spiritual realms of both levels and dimensions.
There are those who in the past were the lowest levels on earth who were the new borns and had no knowledge of their own past lives because they were newly created. Those who were chosen as their parents were either on the good side or the dark side in one of the Xenoverse realms.
Now, it is time for those who did not know of this good and light to choose once again. Those who are on earth will be given a day on earth from 2012 forward to choose as adults.
Normally, those who come to earth are trained in the spiritual ways of the creation of both the alpha males and the omega females to exist inside the omniverse.
Those in the past on earth who found themselves on the dark areas and chose their parents before coming may have had to stay in their area or community.
Now we have an annual cross over from the dark fey to the light fey. In the past, there was a choice made ace the age of sixteen earth years to choose to be good spirit light or bad spirit light and to work on one side or the other. Now from 2012 forward all those who come to earth that desire to change will be allowed to do so.
This is one of the reasons for the Ascension Age is change! What does all of this have to do with me being visited all my life with those from above to share that they exist and so I would not forget them in my human form?
I had been an experienced avatar ascension master in past lives and decided to come back in an agreement I made with the Advanced Beings and the Alpha God and Omega Goddess realms. This was due to my prior choices in past lives.
We will begin to share that which we know as Alien ET Hybrid TJ’s story! Love and Light TJ – A White Lighter

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