Friday, June 22, 2012

Avatars TJMorris & Janet Lessin - Hawaii Higher Consciousness

TJ Morris ET Radio 06/22 by TJMorrisETRadio | Blog Talk Radio


Origin of Religions
Thinking of primitive people
History, Gods, Pharaohs, Priests, Monuments
Ideas of Death & Last Judgment
Creed, Jesus, Dogma, Catholicism, Reformation, Present
Jewish Creed, Ethics, Talmud, Mysticism
History, Origin, Mohammedan Mysticism,
Basic Modes between humankind & Deities
Preanimistic Theory
Theory of Original Monotheism
Magic & Religion
Celts & Slavs
Japanese Buddhism
Extinct Religions
Teutonic Gods
Ideas of Death
Magic of Runes
Biblical Revelations
All isms
Star gates
Time Travel
Zechariah Sitchen
The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE OF ETIOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, ETHOS, ENTOMOLOGY, ETYMOLOGY. Do not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of word history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit Hawaii, and learn of Lemuria and Atlantis. The New Age of Revealing and Revelation is considered the years of 2012 thru 2012. 2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE. David Wilcock will be speaking at a seminar in Hawaii in February. Michael Salla is also in Hawaii.
The topics discussed are a compilation, formulation of the Ancient Mystery Schools adapted to modern day words, and etymology will be a part of the future changes in the WEB and the MATRIX. Some now refer to the Critical Mass Consciousness and how everyone that is entitled to know of the God Particles in everyone and everything affects the Akashic Field. This is now being revealed to Quantum Scientists and those who are working with the Hadron Collider. There are new findings for Astronomers and new telescopes creating new awareness for us all. It is truly an age of revealing.
This is the latest topics for the ACE GUIDE to be published for release 2013. Ascension Beings are about health and prosperity for all. We are Social Entrepreneurs sharing innovation and inspiration in the Global Community. 
Zero Point Energy
In a quantum mechanical system such as the particle in a box or the quantum harmonic oscillator, the lowest possible energy is called the zero-point energy. According to classical physics, the kinetic energy of a particle in a box or the kinetic energy of the harmonic oscillator may be zero if the velocity is zero. Quantum mechanics with its uncertainty principle implies that if the velocity is measured with certainty to be exactly zero, the uncertainty of the position must be infinite. Either this violates the condition that the particle remains in the box, or it brings a new potential energy in the case of the harmonic oscillator. To avoid this paradox, quantum mechanics dictates that the minimal velocity is never equal to zero, and hence the minimal energy is never equal to zero.
Does electromagnetic zero-point energy exist, and if so, are there any practical applications and does it have any connection with dark energy? The theoretical basis for electromagnetic zero-point energy is clear.
According to Sciama (1991):
Even in its ground state, a quantum system possesses fluctuations and associated zero-point energy, since otherwise the uncertainty principle would be violated. In particular, the vacuum state of a quantum field has these properties. For example, the electric and magnetic fields in the electromagnetic vacuum are fluctuating quantities.
The Casimir Effect is an example of a one-loop effect in quantum electrodynamics that can be simply explained by the zero-point energy. It is precisely localizable differences in the zero-point energy that may prove to be of some practical use and that may be the basis of dark energy phenomena. Moreover it has also been found that asymmetries in the zero-point field that appear upon acceleration may be associated with certain properties of inertia, gravitation and the principle of equivalence Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (1994); Rueda and Haisch (1998); Rueda and Haisch (2005)
Lastly, insights may be offered on certain quantum properties (Compton wavelength, de Broglie wavelength, spin) and on mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2) if it proves to be the case that zero-point fluctuations interact with matter in a phenomenon identified by Erwin Schrödinger known as zitterbewegung (Haisch and Rueda 2000; Haisch, Rueda and Dobyns 2001; Nickisch and Mollere 2002).
As intriguing as these latter possibilities are, the first order of business is to unambiguously detect and measure zero-point energy. While a Casimir experiment such as that of Forward (1984) can in principle measure energy that may be attributed to the existence of real zero-point energy, there are alternative explanations involving source-source quantum interactions in place of real zero-point energy (see Milonni 1994). To move beyond this ambiguity of interpretation experiments that will test for the reality of measurable zero-point energy will need to be devised.
Cultural References
In the Justice League Episode, 'Hereafter', Vandal Savage had taken over the world and invented a Zero Point Generator in the boredom of immortality, which was used to power a time machine to transport Superman back to the present.
In the movie 'The Incredibles', the villain Syndrome uses a ray that can immobilize an opponent, suspending him in mid-air. Director Brad Bird, speaking in a DVD commentary, says that in searching for a name for the device (or at least a better one than "the Immobi-ray"), he came across and used a reference to "zero-point energy", which Syndrome himself uses to describe his weapon. (Of course, this is simply a cool name rather than a practical application at this time!)
In the computer game Half-Life 2, one of the weapons used by the player is the "Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator", better known by its nickname the "Gravity Gun". It allows the user to pick up and launch any medium-sized objects, and was used to market the game's detailed physics engine.
The television show Stargate SG-1 and the spin-off, Stargate Atlantis refers to zero-point energy in the form of Zero Point Modules or ZPMs. These ZPMs extract energy from small artificially created subspaces are used to power the technology of the Ancients, such as the energy shield, which protects the city of Atlantis and powering the Stargate with sufficient power to allow travel to the Pegasus Galaxy. The Ancients also attempted to extract zero-point energy directly from their own universe in Project Arcturus.
Another television series called ZERO.POINT is in development that centers on the machinations of a quantum physicist searching for zero-point energy technology and a drifter who wanders in perfect synchronicity.
In Marvel Comic's "Ultimate Secret" issue one; the disguised Captain Mahr-vell has helped humans develop a star drive based on ZPE. He offhandedly remarks that quantum wave fluctuations were discovered to cause inertia, which is the SED Hypothesis (covered here).
In the second season of the television series 'Alias', Sydney Bristow is tasked to retrieve a music box that supposedly contains a formula for zero-point energy.
In '3001: The Final Odyssey,' by Arthur C. Clarke humanity is tapping zero point energy (or vacuum energy as it is called in the book). Human astronomers observed an explosion of a far-away star and on further investigation found that the detonation started at one of the planets, which destabilized the star itself. This event gives the characters nightmares, as it was assumed that some alien race was using zero-point energy and lost control.
ZPE is also a potential energy source of interest to independent researchers outside of mainstream research entities, such as the late Eugene Mallove, and figures into discussions on radio programs such as Coast-to-Coast AM.
Reference: Wikipedia
We wear a form of magnetized shoes on board the ships in space among those who are not born on earth. We shall share more of reality in space through time as we share the basic structure of how to train the mind to accept, that which was formerly unknown. Brain Train with us who are friends of the occult in the ACE Metaphysical Institute. TJ 
 We are a part of something much greater than we have been told to believe. Our minds could and should be far more advanced in intelligence as the global brain assignment goes.  Now, we shall learn about those who are deserving of the intelligence and those who have to learn through the Ascension Center Enlightenment process. In this time of change, we are about to engage a new era for which there will be a thread of history that can be traced through time on earth.
 Current literature and even interest on the Internet is thriving and a New Age modern movement could savor that which is a combination of eclectic interest in that which is a criss-cross patchwork quilt of a “Pagan-Reverie”. Philosophical, religious Pythagoreanism revived. This all has to do with our coming of age with the Ancients and their Mystery Schools.
 There is some basic history earth that we accept among our more general populace as the normal way to think. The Global Brain Train is now about speeding up that which in the past was only known among those who were the students of the fringe movements in the occult metaphysical worlds of words as knowledge.  There was not a lot that was shared unless one was in a secret club or allowed into a certain level or class in society. 
The future will be different and will be more about those on earth who are found deserving of more intelligence and knowledge.
 We have various beings on earth who have agreed to come back or return to earth to serve in various positions. These positions are labeled in the NEW AGE world of words and categorized as key words that make sense on the Internet to search engines such as Google. 
We are changing the way we all share information and we are becoming dependent on our computers. This was expected and planned in the larger Global Brain Train for all sentient intelligent beings on earth. We shall be sharing more in the future that deals with how the plan was carried out with those of the past as Masters who came to earth. Some were called the Sons and daughters of God who were seen only among the chosen mystics and world leaders at certain times in our ancient civilizations on earth. 
Thus, the veil of secrecy came into existence and the chosen and the mystics and Shamans through time became the keepers of the stories and history. The veil that was created inside a tent and covered by cloud or fire so that those who were ignorant of those above could not be concerned and run in fear of the unknown. 
All was planned for the future in order to allow the human primitive mind to adjust over time and through generations to evolve in thought processing for the global mind. We shall share the future of the past Masters with those who care to train their brains. We shall observe certain beings as lights as they appear from afar off in space. 
This DNA enhancement has worked for us in the past. We have had certain of our kind that have come to earth and were allowed to live among those who were not aware of the changes in time and in the mind of the all that lived upon the earth.  We shall share more of those who are called the Time Lords who oversee that which occurs in what we call time and light on earth. 
We shall share that which appears as magnetism and in the future, we shall allow those who are the deserving to know of the GOD Particle. There are various mystic sages who fathered in our secular inquiry on earth, which will share our desire to complete a universal train track of threads to complete our quilt of information for us to cover ourselves with what we all can feel comfortable with on earth. There is much history that has been shared throughout time on this planet. 
The NEW AGE movement is thought to be “NEW”. Those of us who frequent bookstores and who are into the occult and unknown wisdom of the universe all seem to gravitate towards the areas called NEW AGE. We enjoy the latest books in science and philosophy as well. We are all about ancient civilizations and most of us are not are we are adventurer’s of the archaeologists and researchers of Folklife. Since the making of the George Lucas film Star Wars who introduced all of us to a new level of learning outside of our own planet, we have enjoyed the movies of “Indiana Jones”.
 Many children who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s that were a part of the “Baby Boomer” generation became advocates of star travel and those who from the heavens or space came. 
We will be sharing much history through clues we shall share that will seem different or not normal as in paranormal. 
This is also a time to remind those of the storytellers who laid out a foundation for myths and legends that were sometimes used when it was too dangerous on earth to tell the truth. We are all about learning about critical thinking and how we use our brains to challenge that which we perceive as truth versus falsehoods. 
We will learn about the positive and the negative of energy. We shall share that which has been passed down from father to son and from mother to daughter. We shall learn how through time on earth the general populace has been. Kept from knowing more because of those who chose to control the information. Information and knowledge is control and power. 
We will share information for those who are our friends and feel they can handle the paranormal, supernatural, and what is called the weird and woo to some as in whacky weed smokers delusions. 
We want to encourage those who are willing to accommodate their comfort zone with a spin through the time zones or what to some in the realms of existence who explore the unknown zone also called the XENO or X-ZONE. Some of the past information that has begun blending for some who thought all of the past was merely folktale will have to reconsider and revise some thought patterns.
 For starters, some of what is in the past legends and myths are truth. Take time to read some of the stories on the Internet of a past that is near and dear to those of us who are called the ascended masters of ascension. Some of the greatest minds and spirits that ever walked the earth teach us. Some were called Gods and Goddesses while others were considered angels of light and were servants to the Time Lords and Demi Gods of space.  Here are some of the places that those of the ancients or those who lived on earth at a time when those of space came to earth and have never stopped visiting earth. We have always been visited and it is time we begin to reveal the truth to all that have only a small idea of what religion has controlled with Kings of empires of the past 
We are now about globalization and the future that will begin anew on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 as this time passes around this planet we call earth. Enjoy the future that will be written and rewritten by those who are chosen to not only please the mind but the spirit with energy and rhythms for the entire Omniverse of enlightened beings and intelligent beings  We shall learn about the past stories and creating content on the Internet. Some of the information one might enjoy researching is dealing with the ancient civilizations and cities of the past on earth. Some are written about and the information is combined and a culmination of some our members. 
The below is a collection of information we thought one might enjoy when time allows. We hope that the length and size will be allowed for convenience and storage on UFO Digest. TJ (Below 20,165 words)
We are all to remember our beginning not of this planet but of the home world. Some of us were well defined and seeded here from Mars before it was hit by an asteroid and was knocked off course. 
This planet took its place in the solar system that we call home with a sun and moon. The first ancient cities were of a continent that was once all one and was split where a great lake became an ocean now called the Atlantic Ocean. Lemuria and Mu are sometimes distinct and sometimes-interchangeable names for a legendary lost continent, which, according to its proponents, existed in the Caribbean Ocean and had many of the attributes associated with Atlantis. 
 The mysterious lost lands of Lemuria and Mu were conceived of during the nineteenth century, when the theory of evolution was introduced and was among the advances in the sciences that challenged conventional ways of understanding life. Archaeological discoveries among the ruins of the Egyptians, Mayans, and other societies were forcing new interpretations of history, and radical forms of mysticism, such as Theosophy, were becoming popular. References to the lost continent of Mu can be traced back to 1864 and a French archaeologist named Charles-Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg. He had become fascinated by hieroglyphics found on Mayan ruins that dated back several centuries. By the time, Spanish explorers had reached the New World areas of Mexico and Central America in the 1500s, the great centers of Mayan civilization had long been abandoned and was being reclaimed by the rainforest. Brasseur traveled to Spain to look at artifacts of Mayan civilization. In a library in Madrid, he discovered a purported guide to Mayan hieroglyphics. 
Using the guide to decipher a rare Mayan manuscript, he learned about an ancient land that had sunk into the ocean after a volcanic eruption. Figures corresponding to letters "M" and "U" were connected with the lost land and Brasseur determined that the lost continent was named Mu. Using that same guide, however, later scholars were unable to decipher such a story, or to even make sustained and meaningful text from the hieroglyphics. It was not until the mid-twentieth century that a thorough guide to interpreting Mayan hieroglyphics was established. Nevertheless, Brasseur's version of a lost continent won some favorable attention. An archaeologist named Augustus Plongeon 
(1825–1908) used a similar key to decipher hieroglyphics at one of the first excavations of Mayan sites. He allegedly uncovered a story about two brothers who vied for a queen named Moo (which he connected with Mu). One of the brothers was killed, and the other took power just before a catastrophe struck Mu. 
Queen Moo fled before the catastrophe. Speculations quickly added that she had reached Egypt, became revered as the goddess Isis, founded Egyptian civilization, and directed the building of the Sphinx. In the mid-nineteenth century, Charles Darwin's (1809–1882) theory of evolution, Origin of the Species, was published. Although the theory became widely accepted among scientists, it was also extremely controversial. One point of contention concerned an animal and layers of sediment found in South Africa, the island of Madagascar, and India—all of which are in the same region but separated by expanses of water. The lemur, a predecessor of monkeys, had the same traits in each locale. According to Darwin's theory, the animal should have developed some unique traits respective to the different environments. Similarities in sediments in each of the areas also raised questions. Scientists began to speculate that a land bridge once existed in the Indian Ocean that connected the three areas. English zoologist Phillip L. Schlater proposed the name Lemuria after the lemur for this former land now sunk in the Indian Ocean. Noted scientists, including German naturalist Heinrich Haeckel (1834–1919) and Alfred Russell Wallace (1823–1913), who had developed a theory of evolution similar to Darwin’s, supported the land bridge idea. Seas and continents were thought to be immobile in those days before the theory of continental drift, and no fossils of early humans had yet been found. Haeckel used Lemuria, which had sunk into the sea, to explain the absence of early human fossils. Lemuria became a respected term among educated people in Europe and America. Thus, the lost continent of Lemuria began with science, but its renowned spread and has been sustained through mysticism. Science has since discounted the land bridge and lost continent theories, and evidence of early humans was found during the twentieth century in Africa. JAmes Churchward (1832–1936) was among the first mystics to promote Lemuria as the lost continent of an advanced human race. Beginning in the 1870s, Churchward said Lemuria was a paradise of 64 million people, and that it was destroyed around 10,000 B.C.E. According to Churchward, Lemurians developed homes with transparent roofs, lived to be hundreds of years old, and were capable of telepathy, astral travel, and teleportation. Lemuria, according to Churchward, was about 5,000 miles long and 3,000 miles wide and stretched to the Pacific Ocean, where islands of the present day are former mountain peaks of the lost continent. 
In the 1880s, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891) formed the Theosophical Society with psychic investigator Henry Steel Olcott. 
In her book The Secret Doctrine (1888), she claimed to have learned of Lemuria in The Book of Dzyan, which she said was composed in Atlantis and shown to her by survivors of that lost continent. Her source may have been Sanskrit legends that tell of the former continent of Rutas that sank beneath the sea. Lemurians, according to Blavatsky, were the third of seven root races of humankind. They were hermaphrodites with psychic abilities and a third eye. Atlanteans, she stated, were the fourth root race. They evolved from Lemurians after much of Lemuria sank, and they lived on the edge of the continent in the northern Atlantic. Atlantis sank around 8,000 B.C.E., according to Blavatsky, and its inhabitants fled to central Asia.  
Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), who founded Anthroposophy, was another proponent of Lemuria. Other mystics have envisioned the Elders of Lemuria, known as the Thirteenth School, who moved to an uninhabited plateau of Central Asia now called Tibet before the catastrophe that wiped out their land. They established a library and a school of spiritual adepts known as the Great White Brotherhood. Certain landmasses on the planet are supposedly the last remains of Lemuria, from Pacific islands (Fiji, Hawaii, and Easter Island) to the west coast of the United States. According to some Lemurian enthusiasts, in 1972 the ruins of a submerged Lemurian city was found between Maui and Oahu in the Hawaiian island chain and was covered up in a top-secret project by U.S. Naval Intelligence. One of the greatest discoveries in the history of archaeology was made last summer, off Japan There, spread over an amazing 311 miles on the ocean floor, are the well-preserved remains of an ancient city. Or at the very least, a number of closely related sites. In the waters around Okinawa and beyond to the small island of Yonaguni, divers located eight separate locations beginning in March 1995. That first sighting was equivocal - a provocative, squared structure, so encrusted with coral that its manmade identity was uncertain. 
Then, as recently as the summer of 1996, a sports diver accidentally discovered a huge, angular platform about 40 feet below the surface, off the southwestern shore of Okinawa. 
The feature’s artificial provenance was beyond question. Widening their search, teams of more divers found another, different monument nearby. Then another, and another. They beheld long streets, grand boulevards, majestic staircases, magnificent archways, and enormous blocks of perfectly cut and fitted stone - all harmoniously welded together in a linear architecture unlike anything they had ever seen before. In the following weeks and months, Japan’s archaeological community joined the feeding-frenzy of discovery. 
Trained professionals formed a healthy alliance with the enthusiasts who first made the find. In a progressive spirit of mutual respect and working alliance, academics and amateurs joined forces to set an example of   cooperation for the rest of the world. Their common cause soon bore rich fruit. In September, not far from the shore of the island of Yonaguni, more then 300 airline miles south from Okinawa, they found a gigantic, pyramidal structure in 100 feet of water.
 In what appeared to be a ceremonial center of broad promenades and flanking pylons, the gargantuan building measures 240 feet long. Exceptionally clear sub-surface clarity, with 100-foot visibility a common factor, allowed for thorough photographic documentation, both still photography and video. 
These images provided the basis of Japan is leading headlines for more than a year. Yet, not a word about the Okinawa discovery reached the US public, until the magazine, “Ancient American” broke the news last spring. Since that scoop, only the CNN network televised a report about Japan’s underwater city. Nothing about it has been mentioned in any of the nation’s other archaeology publications, not even in any of our daily newspapers.
 One would imagine that such an overwhelming find would be the most exciting piece of news an archaeologist could possibly hope to learn.  Even so, outside of the “Ancient American” and CNN’s single report, the pall of silence covering all the facts about Okinawa’s structures screens them from view more effectively then their location at the bottom of the sea. Why? 
How can this appalling neglect persist in the face of a discovery of such unparalleled magnitude? At the risk of accusations of paranoia, one might conclude that a real conspiracy of managed information dominates America’s wellsprings of public knowledge. Frank Joseph - “Ancient American“. Divers Find World's Oldest Building by Trushar Barot.
A structure may soon literally be given the name the first or A-Structure thought to be the world's oldest building, nearly twice the age of the great pyramids of Egypt, has been discovered. The rectangular stone ziggurat under the sea off the coast of Japan could be the first evidence of a previously unknown Stone Age civilization, say archeologists. The monument is 600ft wide and 90ft high and has been dated to at least 8000BC. The oldest pyramid in Egypt, the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, was constructed more than 5,000 years later. 
The structure off Yonaguni, a small island southwest of Okinawa, was first discovered 75ft underwater by scuba divers 10 years ago and locals believed it was a natural phenomenon. Professor Masaki Kimura, a geologist at Ryukyu University in Okinawa, was the first scientist to investigate the site and has concluded that the mysterious five-layer structure was man-made. 
"The object has not been manufactured by nature. If that had been the case, one would expect debris from erosion to have collected around the site, but there are no rock fragments there," he said. The discovery of what appears to be a road surrounding the building was further evidence that the structure was made by humans, he added. Robert Schoch, professor of geology at Boston University, dived at the site last month. "It basically looks like a series of huge steps, each about a meter high.
 Essentially, it's a cliff face like the side of a stepped pyramid. It's a very interesting structure," he said. "It's possible that natural water erosion combined with the process of cracked rocks splitting created such a structure, but I haven't come across such processes creating a structure as sharp as this." Further evidence that the structure is the work of humans came with the discovery of smaller underwater stone mounds nearby. Like the main building, these mini-ziggurats are made of stepped slabs and are about 10m wide and 2m high.
.Kimura said it was too early to know who built the monument or its purpose. "The structure could be an ancient religious shrine, possibly celebrating an ancient deity resembling the god Nirai-Kanai, whom locals say gave happiness to the people of Okinawa from beyond the sea. This could be evidence of a new culture as there are no records of a people intelligent enough to have built such a monument 10,000 years ago," he said.
"This could only have been done by a people with a high degree of technology, probably coming from the Asian continent, where the oldest civilisations originate. There would have to have been some sort of machinery involved to have created such a huge structure." Teruaki Ishii, professor of geology at Tokyo University, said the structure dated back to at least 8000BC when the land on which it was constructed was submerged at the end of the last ice age. "I hope this site is artificial as it would be very exciting. But at this time I feel it is too early to say. I think the structure could be natural, but part of it may have been made," he said.
The first signs of civilization in Japan are traced to the Neolithic period around 9000BC. The people at this time lived as hunters and food- gatherers. There is nothing in the archeological record to suggest the presence of a culture advanced enough to have built a structure like the ziggurat. British archeologists are, however, cautiously enthusiastic about the discovery which will be featured this summer in a Channel 4 documentary.

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