Sunday, June 3, 2012

Alien ET TJ Morris on TJMorrisETRadio at

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Alien ET UFO Community Omniverse Creation Story of Atlantis and MU Submitted by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris for UFO on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 09:48 Alien ET UFO Community Omniverse Creation Story of Atlantis & MU -Ankh Key to Universe Ascension Center Organization is hereby established officially on Planet Earth of the Planetarians. Gaia other Earth after the original creation from MARS in the zone for the Ancient Astronaut s the Founders for the Ancestor Day to be established on ALL WORLD calendars. The Ascension ET Authority. History of the Beginning of MU and Atlantis is hereby transmitted to send to be referenced and recorded throughout time by all storyteller shamans as the messengers of the "Keeper of the Flame!" Share this among all those who are the ACE FOLKLIFE, ASCENSION CENTER, and of the ALIEN ET UFO COMMUNITY. We ask all those of the Art, Culture, and Education as ACE spiritual beings to share this with all that have a need to know. We now share that the Ascension Center is about the future of all body-mind-spirits having the birth-life-death experience on the planet that was created and terra-formed by their Ancient Astronaut Ascension Masters. We will now update all the Ancient Mystery Schools with the Ascension Age. Ace Metaphysical Institute of the Ascension Center Organization. Metaphysical Science and Earth and Space Science will commence to share in the Tectonic Economics with Health and Prosperity for all humanoids. Atlantis & MU TJ Known as the “Keeper of the Flame” By: Theresa J Thurmond Morris ALIEN ET UFO COMMUNITY CODE KEY TO ETHEREAL ETHICS THE ANKH SYMBOL Share in the past lives on earth by those who from the heavens came about the Omniverse. The ALPHA MALES and OMEGA FEMALES The Co-Creators who have always been have created an Ascension Authority. There is a Family Creation known as a Hierarchy in the created Omniverse. These are the Supreme Beings based on the fact that they are the first created souls who became perfected over time by the essence that was created to enforce the spirit that is placed into all living things. These Super Supreme Beings are who are called the deities and the children of the first God and Goddess who have always been that first created their first Co-creation the Omniverse. The Children of these first Super-Supreme Beings are Essence in the Ethereal Realm. They are all those who are the oldest souls who were placed inside the Omniverse. Their children are then those who rebelled against their original Father and Mother in the Omniverse and their children as Angels were sent into the unknown realm created by their parents. This unknown realm is now called the Xenoverse. Those who were sent into the unknown were now treated as children and were taught to learn about the Ethereal Ethics through statistics called Trial and Error of the Essence and were given the Free Will. These Ethereal Beings would never be given a physical body-mind-spirit of their own but could be called to serve as messengers as those who would guide those in the future Metaverse. The Metaverse was then created for their children who were the Great-Grandchildren of the original God and Goddess as the “I AM” and “ALL I AM”. The “I AM” was the original words that came to be by the recognition of the “ALL I AM” as the Original Soul Mate in the Essence creating harmony and balance in the created Chaos. This was the history of the Elders passed down through lineage of the ancient ancestors. All the Great-Grandchildren were of good spirit and cherished those who were above in the highest realms outside the created Omniverse. They were guided with life wisdom. These children of the Metaverse were subservient in nature and were allowed to become the creators to the multiverses with the assistance of their parents and those who are the ANCESTORS Angelic Ethereal Essence. The Life Wisdom through the Eons created time in space and space-time became the new place in space to become awakened and aware of the knowing. Those who became the Co-creators with the Angels of Both the Dark of the Unknown and the Light of the Known were now challenged to change Xenoverse inside the Omniverse with the knowing... These Co-creators needed their own creations and thereby became responsible for all their own Ethereal Ethics to share the companionship of the knowing to become the wisdom and understanding of all those who came to be separated in the light and the dark realms that were separated due to the disobedience due to their own young souls essence. Growth in the knowing was needed and time in space was established for the dimensions that would become the realms as levels of knowing to be called enlightenment. The Ethereal Ethics Creators were now those who created the Ascension ET Authority of the Multiverse. The Multiverse would now be the realm of all dimensions and the place to separate the knowing of those children who came before who were disobedient children. The Ascension ET Authority would be responsible now for all that would be created in the future that could be seen as co-creations in the form of other Multiverses with the physical creations of universes. Chaos of the Above Omniverse would now become a place of balance of both the dark and the light with the "ALL KNOWING" and the "ALL SEEING". Those who were ethereal essence were inspired by their ancestors and their ancient elders who were the founding Fathers and Mothers of all the various universes which would now become the home of all their own children who would now due to the Ethereal Ethics that they learned through divine wisdom. The ALL KNOWING EYE was established and the Ethereal Ethics would now always be remembered in the symbol as the Key to the Kingdoms of all those places in spaces of the Ethereal Supreme Beings to be recorded throughout time. This is where the children learned to listen to the divine wisdom of their elders. These Children became the "Keepers of the Flame" as the Keepers of the Kingdoms of the Ancient Ones of the Ethereal Ethics to be placed in physical form as the symbol of the ones who would ruler and govern to keep balance in the hierarchy of the family of the Ethereal Essence of the Original Souls Creations. The Ankh was the Key to all the Realms including the Essence of the Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical of the new children of all the realms as levels in the dimensions of both space and time. New Laws could now be established to create the rules to be learned from the ancient elders who chose to teach with the rules of their ancestors and to include all senses in all realms of the ethereal. The elder’s children of the Multiverse would now begin sharing how to create universes and all those spirits of the essence who was those who would inherit the golden spiritual twin essence of the original created soul. These children would be the creators of the new sea of souls in each created universe and the first for their children was called Mu. These were the children of the physical body-mind-spirits to become aware of the trial and error of the free will as free choice to do all thou wilt knowing the whole of the law as whole life living with memories of the Ethereal Ethics of the "ALL I AM" in Everything, Every One, and Every Being of the Ethereals and of the Ancient Ones of the Elders of our Ancestors in the Omniverse. The Scribes would now learn to use symbols for their telepathic words to be called the work. Atlantis was created by the …
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