Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sumerian clues to 2012 dna change in Ascension AGE Stargate to the Cosmos

Sumerian clues to 2012 dna change. - YouTube:

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                          Stargate to the Cosmos Mission Statement

                                                 Len Kasten

The Stargate to the Cosmos conference takes the position that it is no longer necessary to keep watching the skies for UFOs, and there is no need to find such sightings to be remarkable. After sixty-five years of appearances over our planet, and demonstrations of their amazing technologies, the alien visitors have now abundantly proven their presence here. Furthermore, the existence of extraterrestrials living here among us, and interacting with humans in a variety of ways is no longer in doubt. Also, we now have convincing evidence of continued alien meetings with earth officials and of human journeys to distant stars on alien craft, as well as ongoing communications over the vastness of space and by deep space probes. Even all of this says nothing about alien abductions of millions of humans all over the earth for at least fifty years, and their continued creation of a joint human-alien hybrid race.

We must now come to the realization that it is time to develop protocols to deal directly with various alien races, and that this requires a new and advanced state of human consciousness. It is clear that most of the extraterrestrial races that visit here are far more spiritually advanced than we are, and are capable of incredible paranormal powers. The human race must now grow up quickly and come into our powerful spiritual inheritance, so that we may take our place in galactic society. Hollywood has done its job in preparing human consciousness for the next great leap in awareness. It is now time for the worldwide reality show. This conference will introduce to the public those who have identified our alien friends, and are leading this development and showing us the way to enhance our consciousness so that we can deal effectively in Exopolitical relationships. 

By: Tj Morris ET
Stargate to the Cosmos - People Helping People on the Planet is now what we call the Ascension Center Organization Network of the Ascension Age.
The Ascension Age is the Golden Age of Cosmology and of Communication that We are ET as in extraterrestrials of various hybrids kind and share the body-mind-spirit having the birth-life-death experiences together as one humanoid species as bi-peddles.
However, there are always wars in heaven and rumors of wars on planet earth. Therefore we must prepare our humanoid species as alien ET hybrids to prepare for our own sustainability no matter what our known differences be they our art, culture, education, science, technology, folklife, or history.
We are the ones who are now responsible for our own Co-creations and solutions on this planet.
We are now going to be about SUSTAINABILITY!
I propose our communication in social network media continue and an Ezine as a Journal for us all as peers and colleagues to be promoted at the new Stargate to the Cosmos Conference Project of 2012.
 Information ET WORK – Metaphysical Science – Peer-Review Journal
-News Articles
*Unified Field Theory – Ascension Center Concept – TJ Morris tm ACIR sm –
TJ Morris is an Ambassador of Goodwill as a Social Entrepreneur for American Culture International Relations – TJ Shares the A Field Theory with others involved in the Ascension Age of Enlightenment.
Paranormal Information -ACE Folklife and ACIR Detective Work with TJ Morris on Planet Information ET Work:
We will look at some practical steps you can take to critically evaluate information you find on the Internet.
 It can pay to think like a detective: Take a case-by-case approach, Ask questions who, what, where, why, how and sometimes how much, Look for Clues, Weigh the evidence to make a rational decision based on your conclusions as Findings of Fact then write your own opinion after obtaining the Facts.
 TJ Morris *Make Note – English Definition of consciousness:
The meaning of HAVING time-space consciousness as THESIS for the unfolding of time in the chronology and economy of the animus (as depicted in its totality in the Mayan calendar, for example), on the one hand, and/or the meaning of HAVING space-time consciousness as ANTITHESIS for the enfolding of time in the hierarchy and ecology of the Anima (as comprehensively highlighted in “Quantum Chess,” e.g., in the Triad of the human state of affairs that is the subject and the object with its deceits, etc.), on the other hand, lies in the purposefulness of BEING conscious for a SYNTHESIS, by way of the function of BECOMING conscious in the elementary subjection to natural law and order of BEING, stemming from the primordial foundation of consciousness and hence of all that is Metaphysical and Paranormal.
*Links & Sites
 *Science in the News
* UFO Paranormal Sightings
* Stories
* Paranormal Writers Information Guide – Internet Media Online Reporters – Authors/Entrepreneurs- Engineers – Archaeologists, Historians – Art -Culture-Education-Science-Technology-Folklife-History- Sci-Fi Friends
* Whole Life *Body-Mind-Spirit Life – ACE FOLKLIFE Social Network – Ascension Center Editor: TJMorrisPublishing @gmail.com

STARGATE TO THE COSMOS ~ the quest of the future. 

Ascension Age 2012 & beyond is the time to officially adopt the name of the second level, which is outside of this universe. We are awakened now to the possibility that there are others who have always been outside our macrocosm we call the omniverse. There are those who have always been as the alpha males and omega females of the humanoid kind as creators. The one name that has been used in Atlantis in the past came from the world that existed prior even earlier than that of Lemuria that of which humanoids call MU.  The Alpha males and Omega females were those who our ancestors called deities as God and Goddesses. The future we will now accept is all in our minds of the past, present and present-future!

Extraterrestrial hybrid part in our own DNA encoding allows us to know that there is always a reason for Ascension Center Enlightenment as essence. Immortal thoughts and behaviors while we are here in a physical form will assist us all in the future.

There will be a time when many of us on this planet will begin to share out pathways outside of this universe and it is time we lay the groundwork for the various directions that will expand outward from this one point of origin we now call earth.

There are few whom I can open up to with a straight stream of consciousness and I must say that there are only a few. It has never been a normal pattern for me to open up and write to another direct. I believe that it was Dirk who had the good intentions for the good of this planet that allowed for others such as you and me to meet in a level of surreal virtual reality. This may be all that many of us will be allowed to share in this lifetime on this planet. This should be understood by all our planets churches of the continuous flow of energy in the future.

We each are a shard of the larger picture that our human physical sentient intelligent being species refers to as the Omniverse from whatever spiritual school of disciplines or manmade religions that may be familiar with in their upbringing. We shall all still be kindred spirits regardless of what religious culture or location we were born into on this planet and encouraging others to open up to the various world religions and their likes and dislikes as differences will be the best way to ask all who share this space in this place to realize that there are as many ways to believe, think, and become, in a world as there are separate units, vessels, containers of information in our created world.

We are correct in believing and knowing that life of the immortals is of a spiritual romantic nature of which the world of love abounds. It is the love of our humankind that has kept us alive, well, and coming to this planet repeatedly throughout time. This is a learning plane of life and abundance and those who come are to find their way through this life of transition.
We are all in a transitional phase and at the eve of the portal that will be offered to all who come here that we presently call life after death in this lifetime on earth. There are words that will become cemented in time that will attach to our energy, as it will be known in cyberspace that will be called the immortal web of our humanoid species in this place we call earth. Those of us who travel with the Time Lords will be remembered only as the Ascended Masters in time.
We who have come from the future to share the past will remedy that which has been taken to heart as the prior truth and yet was disguised and mislead many souls down pathways that could have been avoided. It is with great blessings that we are afforded our guides, sages, seers, teachers, and are allowed to be students of learning of the ancient mystery schools and ancient paths, which can guide us back to the power in our spiritual magick that allows us to become as the immortals, who created the entire omniverse.
We can then begin sharing how one can obtain the portals in time to go from one into the other as immortals once passing from the only awareness that many now allow themselves in time.
There will be those who shall assist us in adapting to the seven areas of this macrocosm awareness, which will, exists among our ancient ancestors and will return now as it was written.

LUCID DREAM STATE – The Other Dimension

We of the old traditions, who enjoy the wisdom of the ancient past, and who celebrate the present, will learn to prepare the future generations to come to earth with the written words as the power in knowledge used and not only the wisdom of our ancient ancestors. We can learn while we dream in the other dimension some call the 13th dimension and time here is the 12th reality or dimension.
We who are the scribes of the future share in the blessings and energies that are inspired by all the great ones of the immortals. It is with great fortitude and the breath of life that we are allowed to be here and to know of each other’s whereabouts on this planet. I have been allowed to see outside the Omniverse while visiting in the future by way of Sirius and Andromeda in what we now call lucid dreams. I am wondering if you also learn from lucid dreams. I wonder how many of our colleagues are taught in their dream state with a direct connection to their own creators.
The future must begin sharing that all beings be prepared to share in taking on the world class of all those who are poverty-stricken. This means that to remain as spiritual powers of the enigma of souls we will have to become recognized as part of the ancient powers that were to be heralded into the new information age as the Ascension Age 2012 & beyond.
Please join us who are the Lightworkers and Truthseekers.  We shall fulfill the prophecies of the ancients with the seven rings of awareness of the space with the future in the various levels and ages. The ancients share that which we shall govern in our future. Please assist me in sharing the various levels as those of ancient Atlantis as the universe, multiverse (polyverse), metaverse, xenoverse, omniverse, Alphaverse, and Omegaverse...

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